Friday, July 22, 2011

There are two sides to everything...or maybe not?

HAH! This is like judging a book by its cover, judging beauty by the outlooks of a person!!!

its like!! ...labelling....people...
Just like this.

There aren't always two sides to everything.

But regardless,
Perfectionists, humans, are so prone to arranging EVERYTHING as if they were building blocks.
Just like how the world do not revolve around math equations, neither does it always have a fixed answer to everything.

Nothings really always black or white,
No one's a 100% bad or a 100% pure/innocent.

Yes, there is, the perfectionist's greatest fear,
the blurred out areas,
the gray zones.
the in-betweens
that you can never avoid in life

Living in a world where everything NORMAL is categorized,
Being in the gray zone, creating something "abnormal" and "confusing",
makes it stand out from the crowd. It brings attention.

Best example ever??

RESIDENT EVIL...the never ending series.
cause we love people who are dead but not dead but are dying.......???

4 Episodes of movie  PLUS sequels to its games...
people are madly addicted to killing undead people/corpses

SO MUCH, that there are games after games, movies after movies based on the same concept,
and yet, we are still addicted....

& just when you thought that wasn't bad enough of an addiction??

people want to be vampires too!

Right after the sudden FAME of the Twilight series,

Yes, Novels on Vampire romance...
Human + Vampire...
a 'hot' GLITTERING Vampire..

Suddenly, every girl wants to be with one. (that is, if they do exist)
& so directors found the sell point and decided to realize the dreams...
(in some ways, turn them to a nightmare)

By making it into movies.

& then comes intertextuality?


Now that I've proven my point about the gray zones,

Heres a little bit more...

Bound by nature, ??????? , Overcoming nature...

What lies in between??


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