Hot vs Cold?
Hot and cold media
bet you never thought there was such thing haven't u?
Exactly that.
Just like Chilli peppers, Hot media are those that have high flavor contents.
Highly informative, super resolutions, so much details coming towards you that you feel like you're in the seat of a high speed super sports car.
"you'd feel the need to sit back, and concentrate on taking it all in"
and there really, isn't and need of you and your brains nomore.
Cold media, are like ice... well not exactly, but close enough!
Ice are cold, and less damaging that heat. (not perfectly harmless...of course)
Just like how we all love ice cream, cold media are more approachable, and simplified.
Its closer to you and allows space for you to think even while you're absorbing it.
This kind of media requires you to participate, to interact closely to it.
You need to think, to understand the things its trying to tell you.
Hot media are like, 3D movies. High resolution HDTV programs. Action movies, Fantasy Sci fi...
Cold media?
Anything on youtube, videos that are recorded on low resolution camcorders, personal vlogs, and short films.
There are also some movies that are of cold media.