Wednesday, July 20, 2011



soundssss sooo complicatedddd!! 

Everything in media is often subconsciously borrowed from one another.
How that?
Well, we're influenced by our surrounding, inspired, and refer
to the information around us that are done by other people,
whom are mostly also influenced by others...and so on it goes

Intertextuality is different from pure plagiarism
in a way that it injects personal creativity and modifications...(not the right word..but yeah)
by taking one idea, and putting in your own interpretations,
creating something new with it.

In many forms, intertextuality plays with the original ideas. 

Okay, less talking, more examples.

Heres some of my favorite parodies that has its original content idea taken off another artist.
It is, however, NOT plagiarism!
just pure fun, intertextuality :D 

Original :: 




Intextuality in paintings.

the famous painting titled "the scream" by Edvard Munch
is one of the many parodied/remade paintings even in the modern day

heres the original

And the parodies??

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