Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The emergence of the modern world.


Everytime u hear this word u think of..??

super holographic computers??

a man that survives on a glowing heart?


for most of us that already lives in the technological era since we were born,

in example, ME.
Modernity seems to be..irrelevant.

I'd say... Modern? we're already modern kay??? I wake up in the morning, look at my digital clock, turn off the air conditioner, turn on my super cute water tap, look into the mirror and I go like. "(&@(*$@#&^@ I need to fix my hair"

people from the past would probably react differently. WHERE CAN FIX HAIR??!! true? genetics fixes the way u look. So if u had bad hair, you'd probably result to this ..

OKAY, that wasn't the case but still!

I would'e gone bald, but not today! *evil grin*
i have technology!!

u iron clothes?

i have IRONMAN! and IRON curlers, straighteners, frizzers....

i can be anyone i like!


As you can already notice, modernity also depends on the materials that are available to people at the time.

How'd u expect my grandma to know that 30 years from then, she could have a different hair style, hair color, fix her face, change her skin tone, alter her eye color, put on fake lashes, and literally change every single thing she hated bout her face???

you could be anyone you like!

Who you are,

& with the access to modernity.. 

+ self preferences options :D 

i seriously adore her. :O

and while u were waiting for your superman,

i have a transforming car 

@ 1.44

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