Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Medium is the Message?

Professor Mcluhan.

The guy who always looks like he's thinking too much.


So it is said,
by thinking dude,
that MEDIUM, is the MESSAGE.

not the message, but the medium.


Message is often defined as the information, details, story and whatever things we wanna tell to someone.

but to Mcluhan, the message is not about the details but the technology, the medium that is used to transfer that information.

Like the screen of that cinema, not the movie
The handphone, not the text
That lightbulb, not the room.

The interesting fact about the medium itself, that alters the way we live, the way people work.

‘Our conventional response to all media, mainly that it is how they are used that counts, is the numb stance of the technological idiot. For the ‘content’ of a medium is like the juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind.’ (Understanding Media)

In the 3 ages, beginning from the prehistorical age,
humans have been exposed to different mediums of communication.

During tribal ages, people do not have technology support, neither are they literate. 
Their only way of communicating and conveying information is by the most natural ways,
The given sensory organs.
We see with our eyes, as much as our eyes allows us to see,
We touch, as much as we can reach
We understand, as much as we have learnt to from the people around us..
Mcluhan :: people lived in the acoustic world. 

Moving on to the Print age, the gutenberg era,
People are able to read and transmit information using language. 
Printing enabled the spreading of countless information.

Printing itself, is the power behind everything.
According to Mcluhan, it is what moved people from the acoustic world to what he calls the Print age. 
This new medium contributed greatly to the evolution of communication.

Mr.Marshall sea that, because reading is such a solitary, enclosed activity, that printed material being an object of linearity, and page as a defined structure, encouraged certain traits in the humans of that era...or those who reads, of course

they have a tendency towards individualism where their point of view is very personal and specialized towards his/her favorite kind of reading materials. Forward-thinking/ linear storytelling, history because of the habit built when reading materials that are arranged so. This directly influences the person to talk and describe things the same way as well. Lastly, its logic and rationality. Reading obviously, give knowledge of what is logical and whats not. Compare a man who reads to a man who doesn't, one would judge the situation with reference to the materials/news he has read and one would only be able to judge through what he had experienced, or have been told of (which may not be true).

The Electric age,
This massive shift in media technologies. Print become only one of many others - more complete media such as the radio, television, photographs, and for today, the computer, smartphones, tablets, the INTERNET.

Mcluhan referred the electric age's media as a revival of communal/tribal mediation. People who gathered in a cinema to watch movies together was like how tribal communities had to stay together and gather to share information. Contrasting from the age where people were engrossed into their printed materials and were more kept to themselves.

So I guess it relates to as well of how information is being transferred rapidly through one media and to a huge amount of people at one time.
That fully seated cinema transmits one movie in one time, to about a 100 people.
Just like how Facebook sends your status message to every person in your friend list that are viewing the newsfeed at that time.

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